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Best Bedroom Plants for a Healthier and Restful Night's Sleep

March 01, 2024 13 min read

Best Bedroom Plants for a Healthier and Restful Night's Sleep

Unveiling The Benefits Of Plants In Bedroom For A Serene Slumber

In recent years, alongside the trend of upgrading tocomfortable mattresses, many people have also begun incorporating a variety of plants into their sleeping spaces. This shift towards bringing the outdoors inside not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of bedrooms but also introduces a calming vibe.

Beyond their decorative appeal, having plants in the bedroom can actually help you sleep better and feel better. There are certain plants that clean the air, reduce indoor pollutants, and increase oxygen levels, which can make the bedroom fresher and better for sleeping.

However, not all plants are suited for the bedroom environment. It's important that you choose the ones that can thrive indoors without needing too much attention and maintenance. Low-light tolerant plants like snake plants, peace lilies, and pothos are among the best plants for bedrooms, as they are not only easy to care for but they are also known for their air-purifying qualities.

Selecting the right plants can make your bedroom feel cozier, improve the air quality, and create a more relaxing space for better sleep and well-being.

The Science Behind Having Plants In The Bedroom

Several studies have revealed that having plants in your bedroom can positively affect your environment and well-being. Have you ever noticed that you feel calmer after spending time outdoors surrounded by plants? That is definitely one of the several benefits of having plants in your bedroom.

Bedroom Plants Enhances Aesthetic Appeal

Plants can beautify the space, adding a touch of nature and vitality. This can make your bedroom more inviting and a place where you enjoy spending time.

Bedroom Plants Improve Air Quality

Plants are natural air purifiers. A study by NASA in 1989 found that certain indoor plants can remove toxic agents like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air. Plants absorb these pollutants through their leaves and roots, the latter of which microbes break down into less harmful substances. This process, known as phytoremediation, helps to purify the air.

Bedroom Plants Reduce Stress

A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that active interaction with indoor plants (like touching and smelling) can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared to mental work done without plant interaction. This is partly because plants can create a more calming and natural environment, which reduces stress levels.

Bedroom Plants Promote Better Sleep

Plants can contribute to better sleep through several mechanisms, including air purification, stress reduction, and potentially increasing humidity levels, which can make breathing easier at night. Plus, the calming effect of being around plants can help ease the mind into a more relaxed state, conducive to sleep.

Bedroom Plants Enhance Mood

Being around plants and nature has been shown to boost mood and increase feelings of happiness and satisfaction. This can make your bedroom not just a place to sleep, but a sanctuary for emotional recuperation.

Common Misconceptions About Having Plants In The Bedroom

Plants liven up a space, purify the air, and can even boost your mood. So, why wouldn't you want them in your bedroom? Surprisingly, there are some common misconceptions about keeping plants in your sleeping quarters.

Myth #1: Plants Steal Your Oxygen at Night

While plants do take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide during the night, the amount is minuscule compared to the oxygen you breathe. Think of it like this: the tiny amount a plant uses wouldn't even come close to affecting the oxygen levels in a normal-sized bedroom.

Myth #2: Plants Make Your Bedroom Musty and Moldy

Healthy plants actually help regulate humidity by absorbing moisture from the air. This can be beneficial, especially in dry climates. However, overwatering any plant can lead to mold growth, so proper drainage and watering techniques are key.

Myth #3: Plants Are Allergen Magnets

While some people might be allergic to pollen from flowering plants, most houseplants are not major allergy triggers. In fact, some plants like spider plants might even help reduce allergens by trapping dust particles. If allergies are a concern, opt for non-flowering varieties like ferns or snake plants.

Myth #4: Plants are High Maintenance and Not Bedroom-Friendly

There are many low-light and low-maintenance plants that thrive in bedrooms. Snake plants, spider plants, and ZZ plants are all champions at surviving neglect. These easy-care options allow you to enjoy the benefits of plants without a major time commitment.

So, the verdict? Plants are perfectly safe and even beneficial to have in your bedroom. Just choose the right plant suitable for your environment, light conditions, and watering habits to keep your bedroom greenery healthy and pest-free.

Best Bedroom Plants For Improving Air Quality

Snake Plant(Sansevieria)

The Snake plant is considered to be one of the best bedroom plants because it is very easy to care for, making it perfect for those who don't have much experience with houseplants. It also has the ability to release oxygen at night, which can improve air quality and help you breathe better while sleeping.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

This plant is really good at soaking up air pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene. It's also safe for pets, so it's a good plant to have in your bedroom. Spider plants are easy to take care of and can grow well in different situations.

Peace Lily(Spathiphyllum)

With its elegant white flowers and ability to filter out harmful toxins from the air, the Peace Lily is another great choice for a bedroom. It can improve air quality by removing pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

The English Ivy is known for its ability to reduce airborne mold and feces, making it an excellent choice for those with allergies. It's adaptable and can be grown as a hanging or floor plant, depending on your space.

Golden Pothos(Epipremnum aureum)

Known for its heart-shaped leaves and air-purifying abilities, Golden Pothos is a hardy vine that can thrive in low light and with minimal care. It's effective at removing toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air.

Best Bedroom Plants For Elevating Sleep Quality


Lavender has a soothing scent that can help you relax, feel less stressed, and sleep better.


With beautiful blooms and a soothing scent, gardenias can have a sedative effect, similar to sleeping pills.

Aloe Vera

Releases oxygen at night, helping to improve air quality and promote better sleep.


The sweet fragrance of jasmine has been shown to improve sleep quality and increase alertness during the day.


The scent of valerian flowers can help speed the onset of sleep and ensure better sleep quality.

Best Pet-Friendly Bedroom Plants

Spider Plant(Chlorophytum comosum)

Known for its air-purifying qualities and easy care, spider plants are non-toxic to pets and can thrive in a variety of light conditions.

Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

This palm is effective at purifying the air and adds a tropical feel to your bedroom. It's safe for cats and dogs and prefers indirect light.

Calathea (Calathea spp.)

Known for their beautiful patterned leaves, Calatheas are safe for pets and can thrive in low-light conditions, making them perfect for bedrooms.

Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

This plant is great for purifying the air and safe for pets. It prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate some lower light conditions.

African Violet(Saintpaulia)

With their lovely flowers, African Violets can add a pop of color to your bedroom. They're safe for pets and prefer indirect sunlight and well-draining soil.

Best Low-Maintenance Bedroom Plants

ZZ Plant(Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ plant is drought-tolerant and requires minimal care, thriving in low-light environments.

Peace Lily(Spathiphyllum)

While it enjoys medium to low light, the peace lily needs only occasional watering, making it a low-maintenance choice that also blooms beautiful flowers.

Rubber Plant(Ficus elastica)

The rubber plant is easy to care for, requiring only indirect light and occasional watering, and it's effective at cleaning the air.


With several low-maintenance varieties, philodendrons can adapt to low-light conditions and need only moderate watering.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

The cast iron plant thrives in low light and requires minimal water, making it an excellent choice for beginners or those seeking low-maintenance greenery.

Best Bedroom Plants For Specific Needs


For individuals with allergies, it's beneficial to choose indoor plants that clean the air and are less likely to trigger allergic reactions. Some suitable air purifying house plants include:

  • Peace Lily: Known for its ability to reduce airborne mold spores and purify the air, making it beneficial for individuals with allergies.
  • Bamboo Palm:Effective in removing airborne toxins and increasing humidity, which can alleviate respiratory discomfort caused by dry air.
  • Spider Plant:It's great at absorbing mold and other allergens from the air, making it the best bedroom plant for those with allergies.


For those looking to promote better sleep, selecting plants with soothing aromas and air-purifying properties can be beneficial. Consider the following options as the best bedroom plants for sleep:

  • Lavender: Known for its calming scent, lavender is the best bedroom plant that can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.
  • Snake Plant: Releases oxygen at night, purifying the air and creating a serene environment conducive to better sleep.
  • English Ivy (Hedera Helix): Removes allergens like mold spores and dust mites, contributing to a cleaner sleep environment.

Limited Space

For individuals with limited space, choosing compact and low-maintenance plants is ideal. Here are some options:

  • Succulents (e.g., Aloe Vera, Echeveria):These require minimal space and maintenance, making them the best plants for a bedroom with limited surface area.
  • Air Plants: They don't require soil and can be displayed in creative ways, making them the best bedroom plants for small spaces.
  • Staghorn Fern (Platycerium spp.): Mounted on a board, they require minimal space and add a unique, sculptural element to your bedroom.
  • String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus):This cascading succulent thrives in hanging planters or on shelves, adding a touch of greenery without taking up floor space.

Guide To Selecting The Best Bedroom Plants

Choosing the best bedroom plants involves considering your room's conditions and your personal preferences. Here's a simple guide to help you pick the best plants for your bedroom:

1. Assess Light Levels

Check how much natural light your bedroom receives throughout the day. Is it bright and sunny, or more on the shady side? For bright rooms, consider succulents or snake plants. For low-light conditions, peace lilies or pothos are great choices.

2. Consider Humidity

Some plants thrive in humid conditions, while others prefer drier air. If your bedroom is usually dry, you might want to opt for a succulent or cactus. If it's more humid, ferns or orchids can be a good match.

3. Think About Maintenance

How much time and effort can you dedicate to plant care? If you're looking for low-maintenance options, snake plants, ZZ plants, and spider plants are very forgiving and don't need much attention.

4. Consider Your Personal Preferences

What kind of vibe do you want to create? Do you prefer the clean, sculptural lines of a snake plant, or the soft, trailing leaves of an ivy? Choose plants that make you feel good and fit your aesthetic.

5. Care and Maintenance

  • Watering: Overwatering is a common mistake. Make sure to check the soil moisture before watering; it should feel dry to the touch for most plants. Succulents and cacti need even less water.
  • Light: Position your plants near a window where they can get the type of light they need. Remember, some plants can get sunburned with too much direct sunlight.
  • Humidity: If your chosen plant likes humidity but your room is dry, consider misting it occasionally or placing a small humidifier nearby.
  • Feeding: Use a general-purpose plant fertilizer every few months during the growing season (usually spring and summer) to provide nutrients.

By considering these factors and providing a little TLC, you'll be able to create a green oasis in your bedroom that not only looks beautiful but also helps purify the air and boost your mood.

Creative Ideas For Incorporating Indoor Plants In The Bedroom

When you decide to add plants into your bedroom, here are a few creative ways to transform and add a slice of nature in your personal space:

Hanging Haven

  • Macrame magic: Utilize macrame plant hangers in various lengths and styles to create a bohemian vibe. Hang them near windows for ample sunlight.
  • Ceiling jungle:Install hanging planters from the ceiling above your bed to create a unique, canopy-like effect. Choose trailing plants like pothos or string of pearls for a dramatic cascading effect.
  • Floating shelves: Add a touch of modern elegance with floating shelves mounted on the wall. Arrange a variety of small hanging planters on these shelves for a visually dynamic display.

Bedside Buddies

  • Classic charm: Place a beautiful potted plant on each bedside table for a touch of symmetry and greenery within easy reach. Choose plants with calming scents like lavender or chamomile to promote relaxation.
  • Terrarium touch:Opt for a terrarium as a unique and low-maintenance addition to your bedside table. These enclosed miniature gardens come in various styles and sizes, offering an enclosed ecosystem of greenery.
  • Mix and match textures: Play with contrasting textures by displaying a woven basket with a potted plant alongside a sleek, modern ceramic pot.

Vertical Visions

  • Living wall art: Create a vertical garden using wall-mounted plant shelves or pocket planters. This space-saving solution is ideal for small bedrooms and allows you to showcase climbing plants like philodendrons or ferns.
  • Ladder love: Repurpose a decorative ladder into a vertical plant stand by attaching shelves or hanging planters at different levels. This versatile option offers flexibility in plant placement and adds a rustic charm to the space.
  • Corner creativity: Utilize a corner space by installing corner shelves specifically designed for plants. This maximizes space usage and creates a unique focal point in your bedroom.

Tips For Caring For Your Bedroom Plants

Bringing plants into your bedroom is just the first step. To ensure they flourish and continue to offer their benefits, here are some easy tips to ensure that your bedroom plants remain healthy, vibrant, and beneficial for your living space.

Watering Wisely

  • Avoid overwatering: This is the most common mistake with indoor plants. Always check the soil moisture before watering. Stick your finger into the soil; if the top inch is dry, it's watering time.
  • Frequency:Watering frequency depends on the plant, pot size, and climate. Generally, water deeply (until water runs out the drainage holes) and less frequently rather than shallowly and often.
  • Observe your plants:Pay attention to signs of thirst like wilting leaves or drooping foliage. Adjust your watering schedule based on the individual plant's needs.

Light it Up

  • Identify your light situation: Different plants have different light needs. Low-light tolerant plants like Snake Plants or ZZ plants are ideal for bedrooms with minimal natural light. East-facing windows offer gentle morning light, suitable for plants like spider plants or peace lilies.
  • Rotate your plants:Regularly rotate your plants to ensure even growth and prevent them from leaning towards the light source.

Soil Matters

  • Well-draining soil:Ensure your plants are potted in a well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Most commercial potting mixes are suitable for indoor plants.
  • Repotting:As your plants grow, they may outgrow their current pot. Repot them every 1-2 years into a pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter.

Fertilize sparingly

  • Most indoor plants require minimal fertilization, usually during the spring and summer months.
  • Follow the specific instructions on the fertilizer package.

Clean leaves

  • Regularly wipe down your plants' leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and improve their ability to absorb light and air.

Monitor for pests

  • Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests like aphids or mealybugs.
  • Address them promptly using organic methods like insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Embracing Plant Bedroom Aesthetics for Enhanced Well-Being

Choosing the best plants for your bedroom is more than just a matter of decor; it's about enhancing your sleep quality and overall health. Plants can purify the air, reduce stress levels, and create a more tranquil and restful environment, all of which contribute to a better night's sleep. However, it's important to select plants that align with your specific needs and the conditions of your bedroom, such as light levels and space.

For instance, if you're someone who suffers from allergies, having air purifying plants indoors that do not produce pollen or harbor mold, like the bamboo palm or spider plant, can be beneficial. On the other hand, if you struggle with insomnia, the best indoor bedroom plants for sleep are lavender or aloe vera, which have calming and oxygen-producing properties, and might help improve your sleep.

Given the unique conditions of each bedroom and personal health needs, it's encouraged to experiment with different types of plants to discover what works best for you. What thrives in one person's bedroom might not in another's, and the calming effect of one plant might be more potent for some than for others.

Start with one or two plants and observe not only how they affect your sleep and well-being but also how well you can maintain them. Over time, you can adjust your selection, adding more plants or swapping them out based on your preferences and the benefits you experience. Remember, the goal is to create a serene and health-promoting environment within yourhome, and finding the right green companions is a personal journey worth exploring.

Expert Insights On Bedroom Plants

Why is it good to have bedroom plants?

Bedroom plants act like tiny air purifiers, removing toxins that can disrupt sleep.  Certain plants, like lavender, even have calming scents that can help you relax and unwind before bed. Overall, they can improve your air quality and create a more peaceful sleep environment.

Do bedroom plants need direct sunlight to grow?

Not all bedroom plants need direct sunlight. Many popular choices like snake plants and peace lilies thrive in low light conditions, making them suitable for bedrooms with minimal natural light

Can bedroom plants really improve overall health and well-being?

Bedroom plants can definitely boost your well-being. They help purify the air you breathe and reduce toxins and allergens. Certain plants, like lavender, even have calming scents that promote relaxation and better sleep.

What are the best plants to have in your bedroom for improving air quality?

Snake plants and spider plants are the best air-purifying plants for bedrooms. They are known to remove toxins like formaldehyde and xylene from the air, promoting better respiratory health.

Is it safe to keep plants in your bedroom at night?

Yes, plants are safe for your bedroom at night. They release a tiny amount of carbon dioxide, but way less than you breathe. In fact, some plants even purify the air, promoting better sleep.

How can plants in the bedroom help with sleep?

Plants in your bedroom can improve sleep by filtering toxins from the air, some releasing calming scents like lavender, and all contributing to a more peaceful and natural atmosphere for relaxation.

Are there any fragrant bedroom plants that can enhance sleep quality?

Lavender, jasmine, and gardenia are known for their soothing and aromatic properties, which can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. The natural fragrance from these plants has been shown to have a positive impact on sleep patterns and overall well-being.

What are the low-maintenance plants suitable for a bedroom?

Snake plant, pothos, and lilies are some of the low-maintenance plants that are considered to be the best bedroom plants for beginners and busy individuals. These plants are perfect for bedrooms as they are easy to care for and can thrive even with minimal attention, making them a great choice for individuals with busy schedules.

Can having plants in your bedroom help with stress and anxiety?

Yes, having plants in your bedroom can help reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that being around plants can have a calming effect on people, leading to lower levels of stress and anxiety. The presence of plants can create a soothing and natural environment, positively impacting mental well-being.

How can I incorporate large houseplants into my bedroom decor?

You can incorporate large plants into your bedroom decor by placing them in empty corners or near windows to create a focal point and add a touch of natural elegance. Additionally, consider using decorative pots or plant stands to complement your bedroom's aesthetic and to elevate the overall look.