July 17, 2023 3 min read
We're here to shed light on the often convoluted world of mattress shopping. You might be armed with knowledge about mattresses, but without knowing where and why to buy one, that information may not be as helpful as it could be. This section of our site was crafted just for you, to connect you with skilled manufacturers and retailers in your area who really care about the quality of your sleep.
There are a whopping 300 plus mattress manufacturers in the U.S and over a hundred more in Canada. While a portion of these are subsidiaries of bigger companies, a good number are independent, local, and regional businesses owned by folks who absolutely love what they do. These manufacturers and the stellar retailers who sell their products truly care about the quality they deliver. They're accountable to their customers, their reputation, and their love for the craft, not just the bottom line. They're the real "mattress people".
Over the years, I've had the pleasure of having enlightening chats with many of them. I was struck by their willingness to share insights about their products, their businesses, and the industry as a whole. If all mattresses were made by such dedicated artisans, not only would quality mattresses be more affordable, but choosing the right one would be a breeze.
These craftsmen are passionate about creating quality mattresses. However, their value often goes unrecognized, overshadowed by bigger corporations with flashy marketing campaigns. It's heartbreaking to witness these businesses, some with generational knowledge, struggling and even going out of business.
Similarly, boutique retailers and sleep shopsthat prioritize quality and service are also being edged out by larger corporations selling overpriced, mediocre mattresses. I've talked to many of these retailers who feel overwhelmed by the misinformation and deceptive sales tactics rampant in the industry. Customers are often left confused and end up settling for mattresses that they think are a good deal but are often overpriced.
As consumers, you deserve an honest source of industry information. It's not uncommon to opt for what seems like the "safe" option - buying a mattress "on sale" at a chain store. The real tragedy is that in the labyrinth of mattress shopping, many consumers don't even realize that some of the best retail outlets and manufacturers exist right in their own city.
The big players, often referred to as "name brands" or "S" companies (because a lot of their names start with an "S"), along with chain stores, frequently label these local and regional manufacturers as "off brands". This derogatory term is intended to dissuade customers from considering these products. Instead, they want customers to compare their mattresses, made using similar materials and methods, but marketed as unique.
These mattresses are "differentiated" by captivating stories or endorsements rather than real differences in construction, quality, or materials. The irony is that while the quality of mattresses declines, their prices keep rising. If you were to look at the websites of these larger manufacturers, you'll notice a clear emphasis on the stories, but rarely any useful information about materials or construction methods.
The industry introduced one-sided mattresses, marketed for their "convenience". Despite their lower quality, some consumers now believe these mattresses are superior to the traditional two-sided ones. The increase in the use of low-quality polyfoam, memory foam, and airbeds are a few more examples of how the industry keeps redefining norms. It's important to remember that a high price tag doesn't always mean high quality.
We've made it our mission to provide you with accurate and specific information you need. As we delved deeper into the industry, we developed a soft spot for the "off-brand" mattresses, created with exceptional quality and value by dedicated manufacturers and sold by independent specialty stores across the country. The need to reconnect consumers with these unsung heroes was the spark that ignited DLX Mattress. Stick with us, and we'll guide you through the journey of finding the perfect mattress for you.